My name is McKayla and I am the owner of Snaps N Spurs. I've always loved creating things, there is something so satisfying in taking the time to make something beautiful. My first leather project was a purse but it was not long before what I thought was just going to be a hobby turned into a passion. My love for horses and the western world are what ignited my love for making beautiful items from leather.
But if I'm being completely honest how my business began is a love story. My husband is a business man. And as for me, I decided there was only two things I was good at in life and that was riding horses and loving people. In between hospice and nursing home jobs my husband convinced me to manage an online clothing store he created called Snaps N Spurs. It wasn't long before it switched from clothing to leather and I was quieting my full time job.
Never ever would I have believed I could own and manage a business!!!!!! Everyday my husband pushes me to be better, he believes in me in a way no ever has. So the truth in how this bushiness came to be is thanks to an incredible man you encourages and supports me.
My main goal being a small business owner is to build a community where my customers feel heard, valued and respected! I've been given poor quality/unusable leather before and I never want that for my customers!
My great grandfather made leather goods as a hobby and we still use some of those items around the ranch today! Inspired by my grandfather I want to create leather that you can pass down to your grandchildren and leather that you can be proud of.
I would not be able to do what I love without my customers, so enough about me. I want to hear all about you!